Goal Getter
How To Feel Motivated And Productive
05.02.24 | 18:30 Uhr
+++ This is an offer from JUST münchen and is exclusively aimed at young adults aged 18-35 years +++
When it comes to setting goals, how do you get motivated to get started and to see them through? And how do you overcome procrastination and low energy in order to feel that you are being productive?
In this workshop, I’ll be sharing some of the top ways you can increase your motivation and feel productive and most of all get stuff done and achieve your goals. This will be a high-value, interactive workshop with practical exercises that I will coach you through.
Julie Leonard
Julie Leonard is a Life Coach with over 30 years of psychology and mental health experience. She is an expat from Scotland who has been in Munich for the past 9 years. Bildnachweis: © 2016 Carolin Voelker
Mo., 05.02.24
18:30 – 20:30 Uhr
Online via Zoom
Online-Ticket: kostenfrei
Aus der Reihe
JUST Be Happy