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Reihe: JUST Be Happy

+++ This is an offer from JUST münchen and is exclusively aimed at young adults aged 18-35 years +++Feeling stressed out, anxious about the future or overwhelmed seems to be a normal part of life, however, it can often stop you from having the confidence to do the things you want to do and can seriously impact your health and enjoyment of life. Julie Leonard is a Life Coach with over 30 years of psychology and mental health experience. Together with JUST münchen, she will be hosting a series of practical workshops in English to help you improve your health and well-being. These workshops are designed for young adults aged 18-35.

Gesellschaft & Verantwortung
Religion & Philosophie
Persönlichkeit & Orientierung
Medizin & Gesundeheit
Kunst & Kultur
Wege & Reisen
Junge Stadtakademie